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Our Monthly Forum

For the last 9 years, the Forum has been providing a safe and user-led space for people accessing mental health services and their carers to have their say about what is good and what isn't working for people in Salford. We talk about everything from housing, physical health, and benefits. We are led by what issues our members feel are important and we work with service providers and decision-makers to make sure your voices not only heard but acted upon.

We meet the last Wednesday each month between 12.00 and 2.30 pm at Pendleton Gateway near Shopping City. You don't have to let us know you're coming along to a forum meeting but if you're nervous or need travel costs so you can come please get in touch with us so we can help. Due to Covid, we are currently meeting online, please click here for the link

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We hope to see you soon for a brew and chat at the next forum.

Get our Forum Meeting Minutes.

Our events calendar has the dates and details of the next forum on so you can add it to your diary but keep an eye on our News page, Facebook and Twitter for up to date information on what's going on.

©2022  This website its content and production including images, media and context is in the sole copyright of Salford Mental Health Forum June 2022 and must not be copied or reproduced without the express permission of SMHF.

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