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Get Involved

Salford Mental Health Forum is a user led Charity and it is very important that people get involved and help one another in any way they can. Find out below how you can get involved in supporting our work.


Join our Mailing List

The easiest way you can be part of what we do is to sign up to receive our e-mailings to find out what we are working on and find out how to have your say.

You can join the mailing list by subscribing below.

Follow Us on Social Media

We post our latest news and updates on social media so give us a like and a follow to make sure you don miss out on what's going on. 

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.


Volunteer With Us

We have a range of roles from peer supporter, events campaigner, to administrator. We’re also keen to have people tell us what their skills are from website development, baking or business development.

Contact us to find out about volunteering opportunities.


Become a Member

Being a Member means that you support our vision, mission, values and objectives.  Members have their say about how we are run and develops as a Charity.

You can find out more about membership here.


Fundraise For Us

We are a small Charity led and run by a dedicated team of volunteers, so we appreciate any donations raised by supporters through everyday giving, challenge fundraising and events run on our behalf.

Find out how to donate or fundraise.

©2022  This website its content and production including images, media and context is in the sole copyright of Salford Mental Health Forum June 2022 and must not be copied or reproduced without the express permission of SMHF.

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